Annotating part-whole relations of the selected lexical
items of isiZulu, with the 36 novels section. |
relevant ingxenye |
Ingxenye |
N |
Concordance |
1 |
Ezemibhalo (32 ingxenye yesikhathi). |
part (part of time) |
1 |
2 |
Okufundwayo (32 ingxenye yesikhathi). |
part (part of time) |
1 |
3 |
Ezemibhalo (32 ingxenye yesikhathi). |
part (part of time) |
1 |
4 |
Okubhalwayo (32 ingxenye yesikhathi). |
part (part of time) |
1 |
5 |
Okubhalwayo (32 ingxenye yesikhathi). |
part (part of time) |
1 |
6 |
Okufundwayo (32 ingxenye yesikhathi). |
part (part of time) |
1 |
7 |
Okubhalwayo (32 ingxenye yesikhathi). |
part (part of time) |
1 |
8 |
Okufundwayo (32 ingxenye yesikhathi). |
part (part of time) |
1 |
9 |
Ezemibhalo (32 ingxenye yesikhathi). |
part (part of time) |
1 |
10 |
Ezemibhalo (32 ingxenye yesikhathi). |
part (part of time) |
1 |
11 |
Okubhalwayo (32 ingxenye yesikathi). |
part (part of time) |
1 |
12 |
Okufundwayo (32 ingxenye yesikhathi). |
part (part of time) |
1 |
N |
Concordance |
17 |
kanve nesichasiso. 81. Ingxenye yomshwana wesilandiso
nayo |
part (part of a clause) |
18 |
kanve nesichasiso. 81. Ingxenye yomshwana wesilandiso
nayo |
part (part of a clause) |
19 |
kanve nesichasiso. 81. Ingxenye yomshwana wesilandiso
nayo |
part (part of a clause) |
20 |
kanve nesichasiso. 81. Ingxenye yomshwana wesilandiso
nayo |
part (part of a clause) |
21 |
ukuthi umbhali akathathe ingxenye enkulu yesehlakalo ekucha |
part (a bigger part) |
22 |
ukuthi umbhali akathathe ingxenye enkulu yesehlakalo ekucha |
part (a bigger part) |
23 |
ukuthi umbhali akathathe ingxenye enkulu yesehlakalo ekucha |
part (a bigger part) |
24 |
ukuthi umbhali akathathe ingxenye enkulu yesehlakalo ekucha |
part (a bigger part) |
25 |
sezizala amachwane azo. Ingxenye yomshwana kaSobizo
njalo |
part (part of a clause) |
26 |
sezizala amachwane azo. Ingxenye yomshwana kaSobizo
njalo |
part (part of a clause) |
27 |
sezizala amachwane azo. Ingxenye yomshwana kaSobizo
njalo |
part (part of a clause) |
28 |
sezizala amachwane azo. Ingxenye yomshwana kaSobizo
njalo |
part (part of a clause) |
29 |
a labo masipala bayothola
ingxenye enkulu yemali
engena kuhu |
part (a bigger part) |
30 |
ihlanganweni engaphambili
ingxenye yamalunga
ngaphandle kuka |
part (part of the
members) |
1 |
N |
Concordance |
40 |
a nonkamisa
yesiqalo sebizo esekuqale |
part |
1 |
41 |
a nonkamisa
yesiqalo sebizo esekuqale |
part |
1 |
42 |
a nonkamisa
yesiqalo sebizo esekuqale |
part |
1 |
43 |
a nonkamisa
yesiqalo sebizo esekuqale |
part |
1 |
44 |
o zelanga zemali ezakhiwe
ingxenye yophondo yaba
ugqinsi naz |
part |
1 |
45 |
swe izingxenye ezintathu.
Ingxenye yokuqala iqukethe
izincaz |
part |
46 |
swe izingxenye ezintathu.
Ingxenye yokuqala iqukethe
izincaz |
part |
47 |
swe izingxenye ezintathu.
Ingxenye yokuqala iqukethe
izincaz |
part |
48 |
swe izingxenye ezintathu.
Ingxenye yokuqala iqukethe
izincaz |
part |
49 |
bese eza kusasa ezokhokha
ingxenye leyo efunwa
ngumthetho be |
part |
1 |
N |
Concordance |
70 |
al standards bodies iyoba
ingxenye enkulu yesigungu
seziphat |
part (a bigger part) |
71 |
mixhantela yaso bese kuba
ingxenye kaSobizo (S8) nayo
le ngx |
part |
1 |
72 |
mixhantela yaso bese kuba
ingxenye kaSobizo (S8) nayo
le ngx |
part |
1 |
73 |
mixhantela yaso bese kuba
ingxenye kaSobizo (S8) nayo
le ngx |
part |
1 |
74 |
mixhantela yaso bese kuba
ingxenye kaSobizo (S8) nayo
le ngx |
part |
1 |
75 |
izakhi noma kuguquguqulwe
ingxenye yomusho esesibayeni
sika |
part |
1 |
76 |
izakhi noma kuguquguqulwe
ingxenye yomusho esesibayeni
sika |
part |
1 |
77 |
izakhi noma kuguquguqulwe
ingxenye yomusho esesibayeni
sika |
part |
1 |
78 |
izakhi noma kuguquguqulwe
ingxenye yomusho esesibayeni
sika |
part |
1 |
79 |
lapha ekuqaleni kwegquma ingxenye ikhuphukele
ukuyohlangabe |
part |
1 |
80 |
lana okungaphelele, lapno
ingxenye kankamisa
wesivumelwano |
part |
1 |
81 |
lana okungaphelele, lapno
ingxenye kankamisa
wesivumelwano |
part |
1 |
82 |
lana okungaphelele, lapno
ingxenye kankamisa
wesivumelwano |
part |
1 |
83 |
lana okungaphelele, lapno
ingxenye kankamisa
wesivumelwano |
part |
1 |
84 |
gase lubasondelanise lena
ingxenye yemicabango
eminingi |
part |
1 |
N |
Concordance |
93 |
awehlukanisa kabili manje
ingxenye yawo izosala lapha
ekuqal |
part |
1 |
94 |
kala ingeqhamileyo nakuba
ingxenye engumongo
wempumelelo |
part |
1 |
95 |
ba sibhala sifunde ngalo.
Ingxenye yesibili iqukethe
imikhakha |
part (the second part) |
96 |
ba sibhala sifunde ngalo.
Ingxenye yesibili iqukethe
imikhakha |
part (the second part) |
97 |
ba sibhala sifunde ngalo.
Ingxenye yesibili iqukethe
imikhakha |
part (the second part) |
98 |
ba sibhala sifunde ngalo.
Ingxenye yesibili iqukethe
imikhakha |
part (the second part) |
99 |
ni zakudala ngamethembisa ingxenye yombuso wami ngoba
ngifuna |
part (part of wealth) |
100 |
i ngase ngike ngazibonela
ingxenye yalobugelekeqe
okunye ke |
part (part/aspect/element
of criminality) |
N |
Concordance |
105 |
kunoku okuthize, ngoba ingxenye eyandulela isilandiso
yiyo |
part (a part that
precedes) |
1 |
106 |
kunoku okuthize, ngoba ingxenye eyandulela isilandiso
yiyo |
part (a part that
precedes) |
1 |
107 |
kunoku okuthize, ngoba ingxenye eyandulela isilandiso
yiyo |
part (a part that
precedes) |
1 |
108 |
kunoku okuthize, ngoba ingxenye eyandulela isilandiso
yiyo |
part (a part that
precedes) |
1 |
109 |
engakusasa ngomsombuluko ingxenye nayo yasiphatha kahle |
part |
1 |
110 |
enziswa isiqu sebizo noma
ingxenye yesiqalo kanye
nesiqu. |
part |
1 |
111 |
olakala ngokuphelele noma
ingxenye ngokwamukela
lokho |
part |
1 |
112 |
tholaka ngokuphelele noma
ingxenye yazo ngokwamukela
lokho |
part |
1 |
113 |
enziswa isiqu sebizo noma
ingxenye yesiqalo kanye
nesiqu. |
part |
1 |
114 |
enziswa isiqu sebizo noma
ingxenye yesiqalo kanye
nesiqu. |
part |
1 |
115 |
enziswa isiqu sebizo noma
ingxenye yesiqalo kanye
nesiqu. |
part |
1 |
116 |
kukhululekeni okuphakathi
ingxenye yokuqala
uyashabasheka |
part (the first part) |
1 |
117 |
a ngoJimi - ongaphakathi-
ingxenye yangaphakathi –
ongaphandle |
part (the inside part) |
1 |
118 |
a ngoJimi - ongaphakathi-
ingxenye yangaphakathi –
ongaphandle |
part (the inside part) |
1 |
119 |
a ngoJimi - ongaphakathi-
ingxenye yangaphakathi –
ongaphandle |
part (the inside part) |
1 |
120 |
a ngoJimi - ongaphakathi-
ingxenye yangaphakathi –
ongaphandle |
part (the inside part) |
1 |
121 |
ngaphakathi - ongaphandle-ingxenye yangaphandle –
yomphakathi |
part (the outside part) |
1 |
122 |
ngaphakathi - ongaphandle-ingxenye yangaphandle –
yomphakathi |
part (the outside part) |
1 |
123 |
ngaphakathi - ongaphandle-ingxenye yangaphandle –
yomphakathi |
part (the outside part) |
1 |
124 |
ngaphakathi - ongaphandle-ingxenye yangaphandle –
yomphakathi |
part (the outside part) |
1 |
125 |
adumela zadabuka phakathi
ingxenye yadudula utajewo
enye yaba |
part (‘a certain part
pushing someone’) |
126 |
a esigcwele -sangempela -
ingxenye yesiqalo sebizo
engungwaqa |
part (a part of the
prefix that is a vowel) |
1 |
127 |
a esigcwele -sangempela -
ingxenye yesiqalo sebizo
engungwaqa |
part (a part of the
prefix that is a vowel) |
1 |
128 |
a esigcwele -sangempela -
ingxenye yesiqalo sebizo
engungwaqa |
part (a part of the
prefix that is a vowel) |
1 |
129 |
a esigcwele -sangempela -
ingxenye yesiqalo sebizo
engungwaqa |
part (a part of the
prefix that is a vowel) |
1 |
130 |
ho kuthe lapho sengiphuze ingxenye yomuthi wayihlwitha
emlonyeni |
part/portion (part/portion of the medicine/potion) |
1 |
131 |
eni kwebizo siqala sibuke
ingxenye eyesiqu sesenzo,
sihlukanise |
part (part of the stem) |
1 |
132 |
gu. Emuva kwalokho sibuke
ingxenye esekuqaleni
kwesenzo |
part (a part that is in
the first part) |
1 |
Ingqikithi |
N |
Concordance |
62 |
1 |
nje esiza uthisha athole ingqikithi azoyifundisa izwana
loku |
(rudimentary/essential part to teach) |
2 |
le azibonele azikhethele ingqikithi yezifundo lokhu ke
kusho |
part (essential part of
education) |
3 |
e ukuqashelwa ekubhaleni ingqikithi yencwadi ayafana |
part (the essential part
of the book) |
4 |
ongo ezithile esebenzisa ingqikithi ethile eyiphakela
abantwana |
part (a certain essential
part) |
5 |
esahlukweni esitshengisa ingqikithi yezifundo
kuzobonakala |
part (the essential part
of education) |
6 |
uba ubezilungisele kahle ingqikithi yendaba ubunjalo
bolimi |
part (the essential part
of the story) |
7 |
osetshenziswa kulandelwa ingqikithi yomgomo nezinhlaka |
part (the essential part
of the rule) |
8 |
apho kungase kutholakale ingqikithi yezifundo
izincwadi |
part (the essential part
of education) |
9 |
nda nanka ke lawomaphuzu ingqikithi yendaba ebhaliwe |
part (the essential part
of the story) |
10 |
findisa ulimi lwasekhaya ingqikithi yezifundo inqubekela |
part (the essential part
of education) |
11 |
bazihlele ngokuthi ingqikithi yezifundo itshengiswe |
part (the essential part
of education) |
12 |
zendaba uma sekuhlolwa ingqikithi yezifundo zalezizibongo |
part (the essential part
of education) |
13 |
qephu ezintathu sikhombe ingqikithi yazo ngamaphuzu
ayizihloko |
part (essential part of
things) |
14 |
gokukwazi ukubona ukuthi ingqikithi yokuxazulula izinkinga |
part (essential
part/element for solving problems) |
15 |
ezenziwe ukuthuthukisa ingqikithi yezinhlelo
zeningizimu |
part (the essential part
of the plan) |
16 |
mabajwayezwe ukuyisho ingqikithi yalesisigaba kafuphi |
part (the essential part
of a phase) |
Ukuhlanganyela |
N |
Concordance |
1 |
inhlosombono yalo mkhakha isho ukuhlanganyela okunenzuzo
okuqhubeka |
taking part |
2 |
buqeda ithemba kwakukuhle
ukuhlanganyela ukhamba
iwamasi yikho |
taking part |
Umunxa |
N |
Concordance |
1 |
abe ngunsinini umNyango -Umunxa -wezilimi zabaNsundu-
umunxa |
an element/part of the
languages |
2 |
abe ngunsinini umNyango -Umunxa -wezilimi zabaNsundu-
umunxa |
an element/part of the
languages |
3 |
abe ngunsinini umNyango -Umunxa -wezilimi zabaNsundu-
umunxa |
an element/part of the
languages |
4 |
abe ngunsinini umNyango -Umunxa -wezilimi zabaNsundu-
umunxa |
an element/part of the
languages |
5 |
umunxa -wezilimi
zabaNsundu- umunxa wezilimi
zabaNsundu |
an element/part of the
languages |
6 |
umunxa -wezilimi
zabaNsundu- umunxa wezilimi
zabaNsundu |
an element/part of the
languages |
7 |
umunxa -wezilimi
zabaNsundu- umunxa wezilimi
zabaNsundu |
an element/part of the
languages |
8 |
umunxa -wezilimi
zabaNsundu- umunxa wezilimi
zabaNsundu |
an element/part of the
languages |
Isithako |
concordance entries found. |
Isigaba |
N |
Concordance |
relevant |
match |
1 |
ezichazwe lapha ngezansi
a isigaba nangaphansi
ukufunda |
part (‘level’ entails
‘part of something’?) |
1 |
2 |
yomasipala baseningizimu
afrika isigaba d izinhlelo
zezinhlangano |
part (section/level d) |
1 |
1 |
3 |
sehluka nesinye asinike isigaba saso. 37. dlala-umdlali |
part (its level) |
1 |
1 |
4 |
sehluka nesinye asinike isigaba saso. 37.
dlala-umdlali |
part (its level) |
1 |
1 |
5 |
ke sehluka nesinye
asinike isigaba saso. 37.
dlala-umdlali |
part (its level) |
1 |
1 |
6 |
ke sehluka nesinye
asinike isigaba saso. 37.
dlala-umdlali |
part (its level) |
1 |
1 |
7 |
okujwayelekile noqeqesho
b isigaba sesi kuya
ukuqhubeka |
part |
1 |
8 |
adedele abantwana bafunde
isigaba leso bese bephendula
imibuzo |
part (a part to be read) |
9 |
uqhubeka nemfundo
noqeqesho c isigaba kuya
imfundo ephakeme |
part |
1 |
10 |
yenziwe ngendlela efanele
isigaba e sewhite paper
sihlongoza |
part (part e of the white
paper) |
1 |
11 |
ngegama laso elahlukile isigaba sesi somhlahlandlela |
part |
1 |
12 |
awomagama imibuzo
elandela isigaba leso
ivamile ukugcizelela |
part (following a certain
part) |
13 |
ela ngendlela
elandelayo: Isigaba Eduze Buqamama Kude 1. 10 |
part |
14 |
ela ngendlela
elandelayo: Isigaba Eduze Buqamama Kude 1. 10 |
part |
15 |
ela ngendlela
elandelayo: Isigaba Eduze Buqamama Kude 1. 10 |
part |
16 |
ela ngendlela
elandelayo: Isigaba Eduze Buqamama Kude 1. 10 |
part |
17 |
we ngokungekho
emthethweni isigaba wonke
umuntu kumele alale |
part |
1 |
18 |
isigaba sesibili
esokushada isigaba
sesithathu esokufa sekufanele |
part |
1 |
19 |
ukuze kuhlume ezakwesinye
isigaba. Phela umuntu
wesifazane |
part |
20 |
ukuze kuhlume ezakwesinye
isigaba. Phela umuntu
wesifazane |
part |
N |
Concordance |
23 |
thuthuka izigaba
ezimbili. Isigaba sokuqala,
sikhombisa |
part (the initial level) |
1 |
1 |
24 |
thuthuka izigaba
ezimbili. Isigaba sokuqala,
sikhombisa |
part (the initial level) |
1 |
1 |
25 |
thuthuka izigaba
ezimbili. Isigaba sokuqala,
sikhombisa |
part (the initial level) |
1 |
1 |
26 |
thuthuka izigaba
ezimbili. Isigaba sokuqala,
sikhombisa |
part (the initial level) |
1 |
1 |
27 |
noma ezingajwayelekile isigaba esiphathelene nemiphumela |
part (a part about the
results) |
1 |
28 |
yakho esikoleni ukuba
ifunde isigaba kuphela uma
ineminyaka |
part |
1 |
29 |
namabizomuntu. Isibonelo:
Isigaba 1 l(a) 2 6 6 Ibizo |
noun class 1(a) part of
noun classes |
30 |
bese unkamisa Isibonelo: Isigaba 5 Ibizo Isandiso ihhashi |
noun class 5 part of noun
classes |
31 |
sesandiso u -e.
Isibonelo: Isigaba 3. Ibizo
Isandiso |
noun class 3 part of noun
classes |
32 |
namabizomuntu. Isibonelo:
Isigaba 1 l(a) 2 6 6 Ibizo |
noun class 1(a) part of
noun classes |
33 |
sesandiso u -e.
Isibonelo: Isigaba 3. Ibizo
Isandiso |
noun class 3 part of noun
classes |
34 |
bese unkamisa Isibonelo: Isigaba 5 Ibizo Isandiso ihhashi |
noun class 5 part of noun
classes |
35 |
sesandiso u -e.
Isibonelo: Isigaba 3. Ibizo
Isandiso |
noun class 3 part of noun
classes |
36 |
bese unkamisa Isibonelo: Isigaba 5 Ibizo Isandiso ihhashi |
noun class 5 part of noun
classes |
37 |
namabizomuntu. Isibonelo:
Isigaba 1 l(a) 2 6 6
Ibizo |
noun class 1(a) part of
noun classes |
38 |
i bese unkamisa
Isibonelo: Isigaba 5 Ibizo Isandiso ihhashi |
noun class 5 part of noun
classes |
39 |
namabizomuntu. Isibonelo:
Isigaba 1 l(a) 2 6 6 Ibizo |
noun class 1(a) part of
noun classes |
40 |
sesandiso u -e.
Isibonelo: Isigaba 3. Ibizo
Isandiso |
noun class 3 part of noun
classes |
N |
Concordance |
57 |
ake sihlole lezi zandiso
kuqala. Isigaba Ibizo 3 u-mful-a 4 i-mi |
noun class 3 part of noun
classes |
58 |
ake sihlole lezi zandiso
kuqala. Isigaba Ibizo 3 u-mful-a 4 i-mi |
noun class 3 part of noun
classes |
59 |
ake sihlole lezi zandiso
kuqala. Isigaba Ibizo 3 u-mful-a 4 i-mi |
noun class 3 part of noun
classes |
60 |
ake sihlole lezi zandiso
kuqala. Isigaba Ibizo 3 u-mful-a 4 i-mi |
noun class 3 part of noun
classes |
61 |
samabhayi zingena
kwesinye isigaba sokugqoka
njalo ngoKhisimuzi |
part |
1 |
62 |
samabhayi zingena
kwesinye isigaba sokugqoka
njalo ngoKhisimuzi |
part |
1 |
63 |
samabhayi zingena
kwesinye isigaba sokugqoka
njalo ngoKhisimuzi |
part |
1 |
64 |
samabhayi zingena
kwesinye isigaba sokugqoka
njalo ngoKhisimuzi |
part |
1 |
65 |
kodwa isizongena kwesinye
isigaba sempilo sobutshitshi
beyitshela |
part (another level/part
of life) |
1 |
1 |
66 |
kodwa isizongena kwesinye
isigaba sempilo sobutshitshi
beyitshela |
part (another level/part
of life) |
1 |
1 |
67 |
kodwa isizongena kwesinye
isigaba sempilo sobutshitshi
beyitshela |
part (another level/part
of life) |
1 |
1 |
68 |
kodwa isizongena kwesinye
isigaba sempilo sobutshitshi
beyitshela |
part (another level/part
of life) |
1 |
1 |
69 |
luhloboluni lobandlululo isigaba wonke umuntu
unelungelo |
part |
1 |
70 |
Isakhi isivumelwano Isigaba senhloko sesichasiso |
part (noun class of the
subject) |
71 |
Isakhi isivumelwano Isigaba senhloko sesichasiso |
part (noun class of the
subject) |
72 |
Isakhi isivumelwano Isigaba senhloko sesichasiso |
part (noun class of the
subject) |
73 |
Isakhi isivumelwano Isigaba senhloko sesichasiso |
part (noun class of the
subject) |
74 |
angenamkhuba makuvezwe isigaba esinamagama amaningi |
part (a part with many
words) |
75 |
lenkululeko nelokuphepha isigaba akekho oyoba isigqila noma |
part |
1 |
76 |
lelo nalelo zinga
ngenhlobo isigaba kanye
nenani lamphuzu kanye |
part |
N |
Concordance |
91 |
Umfundisi uzochaza ukuthi
isigaba 7 no 8 sinamabizo
amele |
parts of noun classes |
92 |
Umfundisi uzochaza ukuthi
isigaba 7 no 8 sinamabizo
amele |
parts of noun classes |
93 |
Umfundisi uzochaza ukuthi
isigaba 7 no 8 sinamabizo
amele |
parts of noun classes |
94 |
Umfundisi uzochaza ukuthi
isigaba 7 no 8 sinamabizo
amele |
parts of noun classes |
95 |
ethosisekelo noma
umthetho isigaba akekho
oyoboshwa avelelwe |
part |
1 |
96 |
imininingwane uma unikwe isigaba esinamagama angamashumi |
part |
1 |
97 |
ithize abengumsunguli
wako isigaba wonke umuntu
emphakathini |
part |
1 |
98 |
aziyo wabuye waqhuba
wathi isigaba sokuqala
esokuzalwa komuntu |
part (the initial part of
birth) |
99 |
Phela umuntu wesifazane isigaba nesigaba angena kuso |
part (different
parts/phases) |
1 |
100 |
Phela umuntu wesifazane isigaba nesigaba angena kuso |
part (different
parts/phases) |
1 |
101 |
Phela umuntu wesifazane isigaba nesigaba angena kuso |
part (different
parts/phases) |
1 |
102 |
Phela umuntu wesifazane isigaba nesigaba angena kuso |
part (different
parts/phases) |
1 |
103 |
baphathane ngomoya
wobunye isigaba wonke umuntu
kumele |
part |
1 |
104 |
isigaba umbuzo
wokufinyeza isigaba
esibhaliwe uvama ukubakhona |
part |
1 |
105 |
bangaphansi kwemibuso
yabo isigaba bonke abantu
bazalwa |
part |
1 |
106 |
emthethweni impahla yakhe
isigaba wonke umuntu
unelungelo |
part |
1 |
107 |
imigomo yenhlangano
yezizwe isigaba akukho
lutho |
part |
1 |
108 |
kuvikeleke izidingo zakhe
isigaba wonke umuntu
unelungelo |
part |
1 |
109 |
ngezivumelwano zenhloko. Isigaba 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Eduze |
parts of noun classes |
110 |
ngezivumelwano zenhloko. Isigaba 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Eduze |
parts of noun classes |
111 |
ngezivumelwano zenhloko. Isigaba 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Eduze |
parts of noun classes |
112 |
ngezivumelwano zenhloko. Isigaba 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Eduze |
parts of noun classes |
113 |
izinhlelo zezinhlangano isigaba d se white paper
sibheka |
part (part d of the white
paper) |
1 |
114 |
yovinjwa ngezindlela
zonke isigaba akekho
oyohlukunyezwa noma |
part |
1 |
115 |
buqamama nakude.
ISABIZWANA Isigaba 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. Isigaba |
parts of noun classes |
116 |
buqamama nakude.
ISABIZWANA Isigaba 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. Isigaba |
parts of noun classes |
117 |
buqamama nakude.
ISABIZWANA Isigaba 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. Isigaba |
parts of noun classes |
118 |
buqamama nakude.
ISABIZWANA Isigaba 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. Isigaba |
parts of noun classes |
43 |
13 |
Isiqephu |
N |
Concordance |
1 |
umfundisi anganikeza
abafundi isiqephu
abazosifunda naye. Bese |
part/piece to be read |
2 |
umfundisi anganikeza
abafundi isiqephu
abazosifunda naye. Bese |
part/piece to be read |
3 |
umfundisi anganikeza
abafundi isiqephu
abazosifunda naye. Bese |
part/piece to be read |
4 |
umfundisi anganikeza
abafundi isiqephu
abazosifunda naye. Bese |
part/piece to be read |
5 |
umfundisi bayonikezwa
esinye isiqephu, bacelwe
ukuba bakhiphe |
another part/piece to be
handed out |
6 |
abafundi bayonikezwa
esinye isiqephu, bacelwe
ukuba bakhiphe |
another part/piece to be
handed out |
7 |
abafundi bayonikezwa
esinye isiqephu, bacelwe
ukuba bakhiphe |
another part/piece to be
handed out |
8 |
abafundi bayonikezwa
esinye isiqephu, bacelwe
ukuba bakhiphe |
another part/piece to be
handed out |
9 |
bazilungiselele ukulanda isiqephu ebhayibhelini ngesikhathi |
a part/piece from the
bible. |
Isichibi |
concordance entries found. |
Iqatha |
N |
Concordance |
1 |
kwasho usinqindi
ejukujela iqatha emlonyeni
uyothi engakaqedi |
piece of meat |
2 |
inkulumo yomuntu kusho
ukuphonsa iqatha emlonyeni
lokhu kuchaza |
piece of meat |
Fumbatha |
concordance entries found. |
Mumatha |
concordance entries found. |
Akhiwe |
N |
Concordance |
1 |
emahhovisi akwethu ondini amathafa akhiwe [1] ngabalimi
abamhlophe abheke |
built (turfs built by
famers) |
2 |
ngokuzuma. * Emabizweni akhiwe ngeziqu zezenzo
eziqala |
built/create (created by
the verb stems) |
3 |
ngokuzuma. * Emabizweni akhiwe ngeziqu zezenzo
eziqala |
built/create (created by
the verb stems) |
4 |
ngokuzuma. * Emabizweni akhiwe ngeziqu zezenzo
eziqala |
built/create (created by
the verb stems) |
5 |
ngokuzuma. * Emabizweni akhiwe ngeziqu zezenzo
eziqala |
built/create (created by
the verb stems) |
6 |
adolobheni amadolobha
ethu akhiwe kabi kabi labo
abahlupheka |
built |
7 |
walo ezindaweni
ezehlukene akhiwe ngamawadi
namakhasela |
built |
8 |
amagama, ngaphezu kokuthi
akhiwe yimisindo yenkulumo |
built (built by speech
sounds) |
9 |
amagama, ngaphezu kokuthi
akhiwe yimisindo yenkulumo |
built (built by speech
sounds) |
10 |
amagama, ngaphezu kokuthi
akhiwe yimisindo
yenkulumo |
built (built by speech
sounds) |
11 |
amagama, ngaphezu kokuthi
akhiwe yimisindo yenkulumo |
built (built by speech
sounds) |
Enziwe |
N |
Concordance |
1 |
cala amalungiselelo kumele enziwe [2] wokuthi lona
wesifazane |
make (make plans) |
2 |
ukuthi kanti amatshe lawa
enziwe amakhanjana
emicibisholo |
make (make stones spear
heads) |
total |
relevant |
as in theory |
ingxenye |
79 |
62 |
62 |
ingqikithi |
16 |
16 |
16 |
ukuhlanganyela |
2 |
2 |
2 |
umunxa |
8 |
0 |
0 |
isithako |
0 |
0 |
0 |
isigaba |
84 |
43 |
13 |
isiqephu |
5 |
0 |
0 |
isichibi |
0 |
0 |
0 |
iqatha |
2 |
2 |
2 |
fumbatha |
0 |
0 |
0 |
mumatha |
0 |
0 |
0 |
akhiwe |
11 |
0 |
0 |
enziwe |
2 |
0 |
0 |
[1] Akhiwe does not seem to entail part-whole
relations |
[2] Enziwe does not seem to entail part-whole
relations |