ID RCQ Entity/ies Template (Y/N) Instantiates template Source Link Sentence pattern
arcq_1 how many participants does [the relation] have? same arity relations Y   this library    
arcq_2 how many entities participate in [relation] at any one time? same arity relations Y   this library    
arcq_3 Does an instance of [relation] always have the same number of participants? variable arity relations Y   this library    
efrcq_1 Can you rephrase the information in terms of a conjunction? elementary or not Y   Halpin TA. Information Modeling and Relational Databases. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. 2001. page 144    
efrcq_2 Is some fact unnecesarily duplicated in a sample table? elementary or not Y   this library    
efrcq_3 Does the uniqueness constraint span n or n-1 roles? elementary or not Y   this library    
drrcq_1 What type of entities participte in a X instance? domain and range Y   this library    
drrcq_2 Who or what is the subject in the process/occurrent/perdurant/relation X? domain  Y   this library    
drrcq_3 Who or what is/are the object(s) in the process/occurrent/perdurant/relation X?  range Y   this library    
rprcq_1 If x Rs, must it R itself?  (ir)reflexivity Y   this library    
rprcq_2 Is it true that if an object x R y, then also y R x? e.g.: Is it true that if an object x is adjacent to y, then also y is adjacent to x? (a)symmetry Y   this library   Is it true that if [EC1] [PC] [EC2], then also [EC2] [PC] [EC1]?
rprcq_3 If a pie contains a dough and a dough contains flour, the does a pie contain flour? transitivity N   this library   if [EC1] [PC] [EC2] and [EC2] [PC] [EC3], does [EC1] [PC][EC3]?
rprcq_4 If a body contains a heart and a heart contains a cell, does the body contain the cell? transitivity N   this library   if [EC1] [PC] [EC2] and [EC2] [PC] [EC3], does [EC1] [PC][EC3]?
arcq_4 Does the"marriage" relationship always involve two individuals? same arity relations N   this library    
drrcq_4 What types of entities can participate in the "friendship" relationship? domain and range N   this library    
drrcq_5 What are the valid domains and ranges for the "location" property? domain and range N   this library    
rprcq_5 Is the precedes relationship between events asymmetric? (a)symmetry N   this library    
rprcq_6  If method A produces stronger coffee than B, and B stronger than C, does A necessarily produce stronger coffee than C? transitivity N   this library    
rprcq_7 Is the collaboration relationship between two researchers symmetric? (a)symmetry N   this library    
rprcq_8 Is the equivalence relationship between two entities in a mathematical formula reflexive? (ir)reflexivity N   this library    
rprcq_9 Is the causes relationship between events irreflexive? (ir)reflexivity N   this library    
rprcq_10 Is the counsels relationship between a therapist and a patient irreflexive? (ir)reflexivity N   this library    
drrcq_6 What type of entities participte in a reading instance? domain and range N drrcq_1 this library    
drrcq_7 Who is the subject in the process of reading? A: a human domain  N drrcq_2 this library    
drrcq_8 Who is the object in the process of reading? A: a book, magazine, etc range N drrcq_3 this library    
rprcq_11 If a human loves, must it also love itself? (ir)reflexivity N rprcq_1 this library    
arcq_5 How many participants are involved in the relation where a Barista gives a customer a beverage? same arity relations N arcq_1 this library