ID MpCQ Entity/ies Template (Y/N) Instantiates template Source Link
mpcq_1 Is each instance of EntityX necessarily (at all times of its existence) an instance of EntityX?  rigid vs non-rigid Y   this library  
mpcq_2 Must each instance of EntityX necessarily be NOT an instance (for at least some time) of EntityX (for the duration of its existence)?  anti-rigid vs semi-rigid Y   this library  
mpcq_3 Does perdurantX itself have a definite endpoint? telicity (yes: telic) Y   this library  
mpcq_4 Is pardurantX's endpoint determined outside that process? telicity (yes: atelic) Y   this library  
mpcq_5 Is there one type of relation among identifiable parts of X that make X a whole? unity Y   this library  
mpcq_6 Is there one type of relation among identifiable parts of a bikini that makes a bikini a whole? unity N mpcq_5 this library  
mpcq_7 Is X a whole where its non-contiguous separate parts relate through instances of one type of relation? unity Y   this library  
mpcq_8 Is Electorate of South Africa a whole, where its separate parts (voters) relate through instance of one relation (e.g., FellowAdultCitizen(x,y))?  unity N mpcq_7 this library  
mpcq_9 Is computer program a whole, where its separate parts relate through instance of one relation (e.g., the property of being in the same source code graph)?  unity N mpcq_7 this library  
mpcq_10 Must each instance of boxer necessarily be NOT an instance (for at least some time) of Boxer (for the duration of its existence)?  anti-rigid N mpcq_2 this library  
mpcq_11 Is each instance of boxer necessarily (at all times of its existence) an instance of boxer?  anti-rigid N mpcq_1 this library  
mpcq_12 Is each instance of a coffee bean necessarily (at all times of its existence) an instance of a coffee bean? rigid N mpcq_1 this library  
mpcq_13 Is crema an essential part to the identity of an espreso? unity N   this library  
mpcq_14 Must each instance of a student necessarily be NOT an instance (for at least some time) of a professor (for the duration of their existence)? anti-rigid vs semi-rigid N mpcq_2 this library  
mpcq_15 Is there a unifying relation among the pizza's parts contributing to the identity of a pizza? unity N   this library  
mpcq_16 Does reaching the top of the Mount Everest itself have a definite endpoint? telicity N mpcq_3 this library  
mpcq_17 Is death's endpoint determined outside that process (of dying)? telicity N mpcq_4 this library