No Taming of the Enthusiast
A scenic route into computer science
by Maria (Marijke) Keet

ISBN: 978-1-9284-5586-8 (paperback)
POD ISBN: 978-1-9284-5589-9 (paperback, print-on-demand)

Publication date: November 2021
Back cover
Where to buy it
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Image credits: Wim Rheeder
Back cover

From skylarking at school to a professorship at the best university in Africa

It’s all here in this collection of loosely related memoir-essays: all the twists in the winding road the author travelled to become a female computer science professor at the University of Cape Town. Born and schooled in the Netherlands, Ms Keet didn’t stay home for long. Her winding road had a distinctly international flavour. She has worked and studied in Ireland and Italy, and briefly in Peru and Cuba, before finding her way to South Africa. The author herself says of her essays: ‘They offer a peek into a kitchen where underway is the making of a woman into an academic scientist when the yeast has been gender-spiked against her chances of rising.’

Very short bio
Maria (Marijke) Keet is an associate professor in computer science at UCT, where she lectures several courses, supervises students, conducts research in the field of knowledge engineering (Artificial Intelligence), and leads her research group and several funded projects. She has written an award-winning first textbook on ontology engineering for computer scientists, and has published some 150 scientific articles in conference proceedings, journals, and books. She holds a PhD in Computer Science, as well as Bachelors (honours) in IT & Computing, and Master’s degrees in Food Science and in Peace & Development Studies.

Where to buy it
It is distributed as paperback in South Africa and internationally. You can buy it in the bookshops and online.

Online: For the paperback in bookshops in South Africa: photo of the book in the EB bookshop

Image credits: softcopy of the painting by Henri De Toulouse Lautrec called ‘The Hangover’ depicting artist Suzanne Valadon in 1887. courtesy of the Toulouse Lautrec foundation
My name...
Long story. It could have filled at least another two or three pages in the book. If you can't pronounce Marijke the way it's supposed to be pronounced within the range of the usual variation of regional accents -- which is the case for most people in the world -- just (continue to) use Maria. To students: Prof Keet is fine as well; just stop writing emails asking me whether you would have to call me Ms or Mrs or Mx (it's neither of those three, and likewise for the vast majority of academics).

Media etc.

Social media: My author page on Facebook:

To contact the author: send an email to me or connect via my author page on Facebook or try LinkedIn for work-related aspects.

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Reviews: TBA soon.