Maria Keet
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Cape Town
Cape Town
South Africa
Tel: (+27) 021 650 2667
Fax: (+27) 021 650 3551
Blog: keet blog
email: mkeet at
CV, publications, and my Google Scholar profile
1. Research interests and projects
2. Keynotes, seminars, and other presentations, some with recordings online
3. Chairing and reviewing
1a. Research Interests
Knowledge Engineering -- See als the KnowledgE ENgineering (KEEN) Team webpage
- Ontology Engineering (foundations, methods, tools)
- Relations in ontologies, such as their foundations, parthood and other part-whole relations
- Conceptual modelling & ontology languages (Description Logics, OWL, Object-Role Modeling, etc.)
- Natural language generation
- Logic-based knowledge representation
1b. Research Activities
The main thread across my research activities is ontology, ontologies, logic, and conceptual data modelling. They are divided into three paragraphs for presentation convenience, and a final paragraph on participation in funded projects.
See als the KnowledgE ENgineering (KEEN) Team webpage
Ontology engineering and logic-based ontologies
In this strand of investigation, I consider automated reasoning for formal (FOL, DL and OWL-ized) bio-ontologies, formal properties of relations (e.g., parthood), ontology engineering, foundational ontologies, modularity. It also involves knowledge-based data access and bio-ontologies, including particpation in funded projects (among others, STARWARS, ALMA, ARISTOTELES, TONES, Net2).
Formal and ontology-driven conceptual data modeling
This strand of research combines the logic and modelling from ontologies with conceptual data modelling (in, e.g., ER, ORM). This includes logic-based reconstructions (mainly in Description Logics) of the diagram languages, model linking and integration, and various extensions, such as formal temporal conceptual data modelling. Some related funded projects were the Ontology-driven unification of conceptual data modelling languages and an earlier projects on "Technologies for Conceptual Modelling and Intelligent Query Formulation".
Controlled Natural Languages
This strand of research extends from the ontology engineering, by focussing first on controlled (a particualr fragment of) natural languages and natural language generation for knowledge-to-text, and for Bantu languages in particular. I was PI of several funded projects on this topic, including foundations of a Modular Realisation Engine for Nguni Languages (MoReNL), A Grammar engine for Nguni natural language interfaces (GeNi), a UCT Science Faculty grant on foundations thereof, and an earlier project looked at terminology harvesting in COMMUTERM.
Funded projects
Principal Investigator:
- KeBoNa: Knowledge-driven bootstrapping of computational language resources for NCB languages, funded by the National Research Foundation under the Competitive Programme for Rated Researchers (CPRR).
Project duration: 2024-2026 (3 years). - MoRe NL: foundations of a Modular Realisation Engine for Nguni Languages, funded by the National Research Foundation under the Competitive Programme for Rated Researchers (CPRR).
Project duration: 2020-2022 (3 years). - QueST: Querying Smart Text, funded by SADiLaR.
Project duration: 2019-2020 (6 months). - Project leader of a project to improve on the Ontology Engineering textbook, funded by the Digital Open Textbooks for Development project at UCT.
Project duration: 2019-2020 (1 year). - A Grammar engine for Nguni natural language interfaces (GeNi), funded by the National Research Foundation under the Competitive Programme for Rated Researchers (CPRR) -- Y-rated development grant.
Project duration: 2015-2017 (3 years). - Foundations for Nguni natural language generation systems, UCT Science Faculty Launching Grant.
Project duration: 2014-2017 (3 years). - Project leader of the 'Teaching with Technology' Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CILT)-funded project entitled LetsThink - GoAnswer, on the development of a software-based audience response system.
Project duration: 2015 (1 year). - Project leader of the 'Open Educational Resources' Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CILT)-funded project on the development of a Semantic Wiki for ontology engineering.
Project duration: 2015 (1 year). - COMMUTERM: Self-sustaining community-driven online terminology development, funded by the University of KwaZulu-Natal's University Language Board. The aim of the project is to crowdsource an isiZulu terminology for computer science and one other discipline.
Project duration: 2013-2014 (1 year). - Ontology-driven unification of conceptual data modelling languages of the bi-lateral "South Africa / Argentina Joint Science and Technology Research" funded by SA's Department of Science and Technology and Argentina's MINCyT, with as co-PI in Argentina Pablo Fillottrani, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina.
Project duration: 2012-2015 (3 years).
- Staff Exchanges in the project entitled STormwAteR and WastewAteR networkS heterogeneous data AI-driven management (STARWARS), funded under European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the MSCA (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, Staff Exchanges)-SE (Staff Exchanges)
Project duration: 2023-2026 (4 years).
- Ontologist in the project entitled ALMA – Modeling of Knowledge Networks in Medieval Romance Speaking Europe Based on Linguistic Data, led by the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (HAdW).
Project duration: Aug 2022-2025.
- Partner lab in the ReproHum Project, Investigating Reproducibility of Human Evaluations in NLP, led by Anya Belz as Principal Investigator (ADAPT Research Centre, Dublin City University; University of Aberdeen). Funded by EPSRC UK.
Project duration: 2022-2024 (3 years).
- Co-Investigator (named) of the project entitled Medical Machine Translation, in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh, UK. Funded by the EPSRC, UK.
Project duration: 2017-2018 (7 months).
- External collaborator in the project ARISTOTELES: Methodology and algorithms for automatic revision of ontologies in task based scenarios, funded by the Polish National Science Center under the SONATA program, with PI Dr. Agnieszka Lawrynowicz, Poznan University of Technology, Poland.
Project duration: 2015-2018 (3 years). - External expert as ontologist in the EU PF7 collaborative project e-LICO: An e-Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research in Data Mining and Data-Intensive Science.
Project duration: 2009-2012. - Researcher in the Marie Curie action funded by the EC under ICT Call 3 FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES on a Network for Enabling Networked Knowledge (NET2).
Project duration: 2010-2012. - Researcher in the Italy-South Africa collaboration project Technologies for Conceptual Modelling and Intelligent Query Formulation, within the Executive Programme of Scientific and Technological Co-Operation between the Italian Republic and Republic of South Africa.
Project duration: 2008-2010. - Tester and report writing in the EU FP6 FET TONES Project (nr FP6-7603) concerning Ontology-Based Data Access for databases in the subject domain of people with disabilities and of horizontal gene transfer.
Project duration: 2006-2008.
- Questions for and from Ontologies, on competency questions for ontologies and generating questions from ontologies. 2018-present
- Uhlamvu: Development of a termbank tailored to specific linguistic aspects of isiZulu, initiated by the UKZN University Language Planning Office (ULPDO). In collaboration with the ULPDO, Nasubo Ongoma (MSc student at UKZN), and Sibonelo Dlamini (CS honours student at UKZN).
Project duration: Dec. 2013-2014 - Initiator and participation (coordination and research) in the project for in silico hypothesis testing with the database about horizontal gene transfer (HGT-DB). Main KRDB people involved are Prof. Werner Nutt, Mariano Rodriguez-Muro, and Giorgio Stefanoni and domain experts Prof. Santiago Garcia-Vallve ("Rovira i Virgilli" University, Tarragona, Spain) and Dr. Mark van Passel (Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands).
Project duration: 2006-2011.
2. Keynotes, Seminars and other Presentations
Keynote talks
- Detecting, resolving, and avoiding design conflicts in ontology development. Expliquer-le-Croquis-de-Houses (ExCH-2024) Journées sur l'explicabilité et la gestion d'informations géographiques et spatiales. 17-18 June 2024, Arras, France.
- Sources of bias in ontologies and some consequences in ontology-driven information systems. Keynote at the 15th Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil 2022 (ONTOBRAS 2022), 22 – 25 November 2022, online.
- Encoding Biases' Influences on Development and Use of Ontologies in the Life Sciences. Keynote at Bio-Ontologies, part of Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology 2022 (ISMB'22), 10-14 July 2022, Madison, USA.
- Evidence-based and Ontology-driven Logics for Conceptual Data Modelling -- the Journey. Keynote at the Doctoral Students Day of the Symposium of the HPI Research Schools 2022. HPI, Potsdam, Germany, 27 April, 2022.
- Ontology verbalisation for African languages. Business Intelligence & Semantic Web Colloquium, Yaounde, Cameroon, 2 December 2019.
- More Effective Ontology Authoring with Test-Driven Development. PhD symposium of the Future SOC workshop. HPI, Potsdam, Germany, 18 April, 2018.
- Toward Test-Driven Development for Ontologies. OWLED-ORE 2016, 20 November, 2016, Bologna, Italy.
- Managing design conflicts in ontology (and KG) development and deployment. Talk at the Symposium of the HPI Research Schools 2022. HPI, Potsdam, Germany, 28-29 April, 2022.
- A preliminary assessment of bias in ontologies -- their sources and some possible consequences. Competence Center on Explainability, Fairness and Acceptability of Intelligent Systems (EFA), University of Ulm, Germany. 23 February 2022.
- NLP for African languages. AFIRM 2020 summer school, 27-31 January 2020.
- Designing an appropriate logic for conceptual modelling languages. Workshop on Logic, Algebra and Category Theory (LAC 2018), La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 12-16 February, 2018.
- Toward interoperability with DLs for evidence-based conceptual modeling language profiles. KRDB Research Centre, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, 28 October, 2015.
- Advantages of a PhD from UniBz in starting an academic career. Research career planning and international cooperation, at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, October 27, 2015.
- On the unification of conceptual data modelling languages. Seminar at the Department of Computer Science, Poznan University of Technology, Poland, 16 June 2015.
- An ontology-driven unifying metamodel for UML class diagrams, EER, and ORM2. Dagstuhl seminar 13211 'Reasoning on conceptual schemas', 20-24 May 2013.
- Semantic Computing with the WONDER System: Implementation, Challenges and Opportunities for Curriculum Development. School of Computing, University of South Africa, South Africa, 8 September 2010.
- Engineering rough ontologies. School of Computing, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 26 August 2010.
- Temporal Constraints on Part-Whole Relations. Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas, La Habana, Cuba, 20 April 2010.
- Desarrollo de ontologías como un nivel de abstracción de las bases de datos relacionales. Department of Computation, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba, 19 April 2010.
- Logic-based ontologies of environments. Locating Biology, Dagstuhl Workshop, February 2010.
- Representing and Reasoning over a Taxonomy of Part-Whole Relations. 10 September 2009, DERI Galway, Ireland.
- Specifying and coordinating abstractions by taking advantage of granularity. Complex Systems & Artificial Intelligence Research Centre, DISCo, University of Milano-Bicocca, 28 April 2009, Milan, Italy.
- A formal Comparison of conceptual data modeling languages--a prelude to intelligent CASE tools. Knowledge Systems Group, Meraka Institute, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa, July 17 2008.
- A theory of granularity. Agromatica, Instituto de Ciencia Animal, 21 May 2008, San Jose de las Lajas, Habana, Cuba.
- On modelling and formally representing granularity. Fondazione Bruno Kessler (ITC-IRST), 3 December 2007, Trento, Italy.
- Using bio-ontologies in RDBMSs for querying granular information. Bioinformatics, Ontologies and databases Seminar day, 13 February 2006, LBD, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. extended abstract
- Data and ontology integration issues in the biosciences. Seminar given on 23-8-2004 at the Micro-Array Department, Integrative Bioinformatics Unit, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Strengths and limitations of different types of declarative modelling languages, DAMA Southern Africa talk (online) 5 August 2024.
- Ontologies: what they are and what they're good for, at Siemens Energy (online), 11 July 2024.
- Knowledge-to-text Natural Language Generation for Agglutinating African Languages. TechTalk at the Wikimedia Foundation fellows offsite workshop, Google Zurich, Switzerland, 23-26 August 2022. video on Wikimedia
- Resolving and avoiding design conflicts in ontology development and deployment. International Society for Computational Biology academy (ISCB academy). 21 Sept 2021. recording on YouTube
- Natural Language Generation for Agglutinating African Languages -- A brief overview. Digital Humanities Colloquium, at SADiLaR, 18 May 2022 (online). recording on YouTube
- Games tegen terrorisme en voor conflict-oplossing--Speltheoretische onderhandelingen met coalities van gekwetste groepen en de regering. Gaming for War or Peace: ICT voor Wereldvrede Symposium, Stichting Vredescentrum Eindhoven (Peace Center Eindhoven), 4 November 2008, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
- Europeanization of education. International Workshop on the Impact of EU Education Policy and Educational System Reforms on Youth and Society, 29/30 March 2006, Brussels, Belgium. keynote speech
- A comparison of different types of declarative modelling, at the HydroSciences Institute in Montpellier, France, 20 June 2024.
- Test-Driven Development of ontologies. Computer Science Department, University of Cape Town, South Africa, May 26, 2016.
- Toward isiZulu Natural Language Generation. Computer Science Department, University of Cape Town, South Africa, June 12, 2014.
- Toward an ontology-driven unifying metamodel for UML class diagrams, EER, and ORM2. Presentation given at the Ontology and Conceptual Modelling Workshop, Tshwane (Pretoria), South Africa, d.d. 15-16 Nov, 2012.
- Ontology-driven formal conceptual data modelling for biological data analysis. Presentation given at the Research Session of the Masters Artificial Intelligence spring School 2011 (MAIS'11), Durban, South Africa, d.d. 27 Sept., 2011.
- Ontology engineering with rough concepts and vague instances. KRDB Lunch Seminar, 15 June 2010.
- Comparing and unifying industry-grade conceptual data modelling languages. KRDB Lunch Seminar, 2 December 2008.
- Some logical and ontological aspects of part-whole relations. KRDB Lunch Seminar 19 February 2008.
- Current characteristics and historical perspective on 'CS and IT with/for Biology'. Presentation given on 20 October 2005 at the KRDB Research Centre, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy. An introductory overview for the thematical Seminar Series CS and IT with/for Biology.
- Factors affecting ontology development in ecology. Presentation given on 1 July 2005 at the KRDB Research Centre, Free university of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
- Ontologising Bioscience: a niche. Presentation given on 1 July 2004 at the Laboratory of Applied Ontology, Trento, Italy.
- Development of ontologies for the sciences. ISTC-CNR Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Trento, Italy, 10 March 2004.
- Talks of accepted papers at conferences and workshops: Interjoven04, MIE05, DILS05, ORM05, KWEPSY06, WSPI06, GrC06, ORM06, OWLED07, SeS07, AI*IA07, DL07, GrC07, DL08, WORM08, EMMSAD08, KR08, OWLED08, Geomatics09, RST09, GrC09, MTSR09, ORM09, AI*IA09, DL10, EKAW10, ORM10, ESWC11, AFRICON11, SAICSIT11, ESWC12, EKAW12, SAARMSTE13, KCAP13, KEOD13, ER13, CNL14, RuleML14, OWLED14, EKAW14, SAARMSTE15, ADBIS15, SAICSIT15, ER15, DL16, ESWC16, CNL16, ADBIS16, INLG16, WebNLG16, EKAW16, ESWC17, LDK17, CREOL17, FOUST-II17, IST-Africa'18, CNL'18, FOIS'18, KGSWC'19, MTSR'19, FAIR'19, ICBO'20, IST-Africa'21, FOIS'20, CAOS'21, FOUST'22, ICBO'22, FOIS'23, ACM SAC'24, CAOS'24, INLG'24, EKAW'24.
Talks with videos or screen recordings
- Knowledge-to-text Natural Language Generation for Agglutinating African Languages. TechTalk at the Wikimedia Foundation fellows offsite workshop, Google Zurich, Switzerland, 23-26 August 2022. video on Wikimedia - slides
- Natural Language Generation for Agglutinating African Languages -- A brief overview. Digital Humanities Colloquium, at SADiLaR, 18 May 2022 (online). screen recording on YouTube - slides
- Resolving and avoiding design conflicts in ontology development and deployment. International Society for Computational Biology academy (ISCB academy). 21 Sept 2021. screen recording on YouTube - slides
- An analysis of commitments in ontology language design. Conference presentation of the paper at the International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems in 2021. screen recording - paper
- The computer program as a functional whole. Conference presentation of the paper at the International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems in 2021. screen recording - paper
- Natural Language Generation Requirements for Social Robots in Sub-Saharan Africa. Conference presentation of the paper at the IST-Africa'21 conference. screen recording - paper
- Towards a Framework for Meaning Negotiation and Conflict Resolution in Ontology Authoring. Conference presentation of the paper at the International Conference on Biomedical Ontology 2020. screen recording - paper
- Patterns for Heterogeneous TBox Mappings to Bridge Different Modelling Decisions. Conference presentation of the paper at the Extended Semantic Web Conference 2017. video on Videolectures - paper (free access CRC)
- Test-Driven Development of Ontologies. Conference presentation of the paper at the Extended Semantic Web Conference 2016. video on Videolectures - paper (free access CRC)
- Detecting and Revising Flaws in OWL Object Property Expressions. Conference presentation of the award-winning paper at the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management EKAW'12. video on YouTube - paper (free access CRC)
- Editorial board membership
- Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (2023-present)
- Applied Ontology journal (2017-present)
- Conference/Workshop Chair
- General Chair of the 15th International Conference on Formal Ontologies in Information Systems (FOIS 2025), September 8-12, 2025, Catania, Italy.
- PC Chair (with Sina Zarrieß and Hung-yi Lee) of the 16th International Natural Language Generation Conference, INLG'23
- Chair (with Fernanda Baiao and Estefanía Serral Asensio) of the 8th Symposium on Conceptual Modeling Education (SCME), part of ER'23
- PC Chair (with Valentina Presutti) of the Resources track of ISWC 2022.
- PC Chair (with Pinar Yolum) of the Demo track of IJCAI 2021.
- PC Chair (with Michel Dumontier) of EKAW 2020.
- PC Chair (with Fabrizio Sebastiani and Tanya Berger-Wolf) of the AFIRM 2020 summer school.
- Chair (with Abraham Bernstein) of the Blue Skies track at ISWC 2019.
- Local Chair 10th International Conference on Formal Ontologies in Information Systems (FOIS 2018), September 19021, 2018, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Local Chair Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO'18), September 17-18, 2018, Cape Town.
- Chair Interdisciplinary School on Applied Ontology (ISAO'18), September 10-15, 2018, Cape Town.
- PC Chair (with Zena Wood) of the 3rd International School on Applied Ontology, June 27 - July 2, 2016, Bolzano, Italy.
- Chair (with Diego Calvanese, Alfredo Cuzzocrea) of the 2nd Workshop on Logics and Reasoning for Conceptual Models. April 21, 2016, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Local Chair of the Forum for Artificial Intelligence Research 2015 (FAIR'15). March 30 - April 2, 2015, Cape Town, South Africa.
- PC Chair (with Valentina Tamma) of the 11th OWL: Experiences and Directions workshop (OWLED'14), 17-18 October, 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy
- Track Chair (with Jerome Euzenat) on "Ontologies, Metadata, and Vocabularies" of the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC'14), Crete, Greece, May 2014.
- PC co-Chair of the "First international Workshop on Logics and Reasoning for Conceptual Models" (LRCM'13), December 14, 2013, co-located with LPAR-19.
- Organisation of the Masters Artificial Intelligence spring School 2011 (MAIS'11), Durban, South Africa, 26-30 Sept. 2011.
- Program Committee co-Chair of the KRDB PhD Workshop, 11 May 2007, KRDB Research Centre, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.
- Program Committee member of:
- International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW'14, EKAW'16, EKAW'18, EKAW'24)
- International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS'16, FOIS'18, FOIS'20, FOIS'21, FOIS'23, FOIS'24)
- IJCAI Demos track (2022, 2024)
- RAIL'23, RAIL'24
- ACM SAC 2024
- ISWC'23 Research track
- FOIS'23, research track and demos track
- KR'22 Recently Published Research Track
- International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'15, DL'16, DL'18, DL'21, DL'22)
- International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC'14, ISWC'15, ISWC'17, ISWC'19, ISWC'21)
- TheWebConf 2020, 2021 (formerly WWW)
- Pacific-Rim Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI'19, PRICAI'21)
- International Workshop on Controlled Natural Language (CNL'21)
- Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa conference 2021 (DHASA 2021)
- European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'20)
- Australasian Conference on AI (AI'13, AI'17, AI'20)
- 4th Workshop on Foundational Ontology (FOUST IV), 2020
- 1st Iberoamerican Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC'19, KGSWC'20)
- Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC'12, ESWC'15, ESWC'16)
- International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI'15
- 12th OWL: Experiences and Directions workshop, OWLED'15
- Formal Ontologies for Artificial Intelligence FOFAI'15
- Argentine Symposium on Ontologies and their Applications SAOA'15
- SAICSIT 2015
- International Workshop on Debugging Ontologies and Ontology Mappings WoDOOM'13, WoDOOM'14, WoDOOM'15;
- International Conference on Biomedical Ontology ICBO'11, ICBO'12; ICBO'13; ICBO'14;
- First Workshop on Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty, and Vagueness PRUV'14;
- Joint Rough Set Symposium JRS'13;
- 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI and the Web track AAAI'13;
- Second International Workshop on Uncertainty in Description Logics UniDL'12;
- 6th International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology RSKT'11;
- 6th IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing GrC'11, GrC'12;
- 5th International Workshop on Modular Ontologies WoMO'11;
- Metadata & Semantics Research Conference, Special Track on Agriculture, Food & the Environment MTSR'10, MTSR'12, MTSR'13;
- International Workshop on Fact-Oriented Modeling ORM'10;
- Australasian Ontology Workshop AOW'09, AOW'10, AOW'11; AOW'12;
- International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development KEOD'09, KEOD'10;
- Semantic Web Applications and Tools for the Life Sciences SWAT4LS'08, SWAT4LS'09, SWAT4LS'10, SWAT4LS'11;
- Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop KROW'08;
- Int. Workshop Semantic Web for Health Care and Life Sciences Workshop 2008;
- Int. Workshop Network Tools and Applications in Biology 2007 NETTAB'07;
- Int. Workshop on Engineering Semantic Agent Systems ESAS'06, ESAS'07, ESAS'08, ESAS'09;
- Reviewing for journals:
- Applied Ontology;
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- BMC Bioinformatics;
- Communications of the ACM
- Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience;
- Data & Knowledge Engineering;
- Environmental Modelling & Software;
- Expert Systems With Applications
- Fundamenta Informaticae;
- IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems;
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering;
- Information Research
- Information Sciences;
- Int. J. of Approximate Reasoning;
- International Studies in the Philosophy of Science;
- Journal on Data Semantics;
- Journal Of Biomedical Semantics;
- Journal of Web Semantics
- Knowledge Engineering Review
- Knowledge Management Research & Practice;
- Language Resources and Evaluation;
- Methods in Ecology & Evolution
- Semantic Web Journal
- South African Computer Journal
- Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing
- Delegated reviewing: J. Artifical Intelligence in Medicine and conferences (ODBASE'05, CBMS'06, ODBASE'06, ESWC'07, ESWC'08, JELIA'08, ESWC'09, IJCAI'09, KR'10), and workshops (ESSLLI'09 student session, DL'08, ECDM'08), external reviewer REWERSE deliverable.
Information about the numerous admin and management tasks are listed in my CV.
Information about teaching has been moved here.
Information on earlier education has been moved to a separte page, here, and contains summaries of, and links to, the PhD, MSc, MA, and BSc(hons) theses and papers resulting from them.