Ontologies, proof-of-concept software, and data sets
Core/reference ontologies - domain ontologies - experimental domain ontologies - tutorial ontologies
Core/reference ontologies
- Part-whole relations -- PW (top-level)
- PW.owl: the basic taxonomy of part-whole relations
- PWMT.owl: the extended taxonomy of part-whole relations with mereotopology
- PWgfo.owl: PW where DOLCE was automatically swapped for GFO
- PWbfo.owl: PW where DOLCE was automatically swapped for BFO
- PWwithSUMO.owl: PW but then aligned to and integrated with SUMOmini instrad of DOLCE
- PWzu.owl: a taxonomy of part-whole relations in isiZulu
- PWzuPWbridge.owl: bridge ontology between PW and PWzu
- DOLCEmini.owl: a module of DOLCE-lite that is imported into PW
- SUMOmini.owl: a small module of SUMO that is imported into PWwithSUMO
- Keet, C.M. and Artale, A. Representing and Reasoning over a Taxonomy of Part-Whole Relations. Applied Ontology, 2008, 3(1-2): 91-110.
- Keet, C.M., Fernández-Reyes, F.C., Morales-González, A. Representing mereotopological relations in OWL ontologies with OntoPartS. 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC'12), Simperl et al. (eds.), 27-31 May 2012, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 7295, 240-254.
- Keet, C.M. Relating some stuff to other stuff. 20th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW'16). Blomqvist, E., Ciancarini, P., Poggi, F., Vitali, F. (Eds.). Springer LNAI vol. 10024, 368-383. 19-23 November 2016, Bologna, Italy -- Stuff ontology page with supplementary material
- Keet, C.M. Representing and aligning similar relations: parts and wholes in isiZulu vs English. Language, Data, and Knowledge 2017 (LDK'17). In: Gracia J., Bond F., McCrae J., Buitelaar P., Chiarcos C., Hellmann S. (eds). Springer LNAI vol 10318, 58-73. 19-20 June, 2017, Galway, Ireland.
- Stuff Ontology -- SO
- stuff.owl: the stuff core ontology v2, which imports OMmini.owl for qualities
- stuff.owl: the stuff core ontology v1
- stuff-dolcelite.owl: the stuff ontology v1 linked to DOLCE-lite
- stuff-bfo11.owl: the stuff ontology v1 linked to BFO
- stuff-example.owl: the stuff ontology v1 with a few sample classes to illustrate the classification services
References:- v2 with more relations: Keet, C.M. Relating some stuff to other stuff. 20th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW'16). Springer LNAI, 19-23 November 2016, Bologna, Italy. (in print)
- v1, main categories: Keet, C.M. A core ontology of macroscopic stuff. 19th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW'14). K. Janowicz et al. (Eds.). 24-28 Nov, 2014, Linkoping, Sweden. Springer LNAI vol. 8876, 209-224.
- SewerNet ontology
- Available from its main webpage
- Data Mining OPtimisation ontology -- DMOP
- Available from the dmo foundry
- Linguistic task ontologies -- NCS for the Niger-Congo B (aka Bantu) noun class system
- NCS1.zip: all ontologies in one zip file
- ncs2.owl: the top-level domain ontology
- ncsZU.owl: adjusted for isiZulu
- ncsXH.owl: adjusted for isiXhosa
- ncsNY.owl: adjusted for Chichewa
- ncsNYN.owl: adjusted for Runyankore
- goldModule.owl: module of GOLD that is imported in the ncs ontology
- Task Ontology for CNL-based Templates -- ToCT
- ToCT.owl and the two ontologies it imports (CO and MoLA)
Reference: Mahlaza, Z., Keet, C.M. ToCT: A task ontology to manage complex templates. FOIS'21 Ontology Showcase, 13-16 September 2021, Bolzano, Italy. CEUR-WS
In reverse chronological order of development:
- An ontology to guide LLM prompting, specifically got human behaviour interaction with cyber-physical systems: the CPS-Human Interaction Behavior Ontology (CHIBO); for details, see the MDE 2024 paper on A Human Behavior Exploration Approach Using LLMs for Cyber-Physical Systems.
- Bottom-up development of ontologies with DiDOn, converting PathwayAssist diagrams (molecular biology) to a candidate ontology: OWLPathS.owl and SKOSPathS. Reference: Keet, C.M. Transforming semi-structured life science diagrams into meaningful domain ontologies with DiDOn. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2012, 45(3): 482-494.
- Extending DLs and OWL ontologies with notions from rough sets: The ontologies and obda files; see the DL 2010 and EKAW 2010 papers for details.
- OBDA experiment and trying out the (then new) OWL 2 DL features: the adolena.owl: ontology about abilities and disabilities; see the OWLED 2008 paper for context and details.
- Bottom-up development of ontologies, converting STELLA (ISEE) diagrams to a candidate ontology, on the topics of water flow and microbes in the ocean (ecology): PilotPollution1.owl and MicrobialLoop.owl; see the DILS 2005 paper and the supplementary page for context.
Tutorial ontologies
- African Wildlife Ontology -- AWO
- AfricanWildlifeOntology0.owl: African Wildlide Ontology, Semantic Web Primer, 4.3.1 pages 119-133, slightly modified so it loaded in Protege
- AfricanWildlifeOntology1.owl: AWO v0 + classes and object properties added, more comments added, updated the URI
- AfricanWildlifeOntology1a.owl: AWO v1 + content for some CQs in Exercise 5.1 of the OE textbook
- AfricanWildlifeOntology2.owl: AWO v1 + aligned to DOLCE-lite
- AfricanWildlifeOntology2a.owl: AWO v1 + aligned to DOLCE-lite and with the examples from Chapter 6 of the OE textbook
- AfricanWildlifeOntology3.owl: AWO v1 + aligned to BFO v1.1
- AfricanWildlifeOntology3a.owl: AWO v1 + aligned to BFO v1.1 and with the examples from Chapter 6 of the OE textbook
- AfricanWildlifeOntology3b.owl: AWO v1 + aligned to BFO v2 and with the answer to Exercise 6.7 of v2 of the OE textbook
- AfricanWildlifeOntology4.owl: AWO v1 + some cleaning up (e.g., consistent naming) and added some science content, more OWL language features are used, and several explanations and questions for further exploration have been added
- AfricanWildlifeOntologyZU.owl: Mostly AWO v1 but then in isiZulu
- AfricanWildlifeOntologyAF.owl: AWO v1 but then in Afrikaans (and has some IRI issues to resolve)
- AfricanWildlifeOntologyNL.owl: AWO v1 in Dutch
- AfricanWildlifeOntologyES.owl: AWO v1 in Spanish
- Electric Bicycle Ontology for the ISAO 2023 tutorial lab session
- Twelve ontologies with with errors and answers to the exercises of that tutorial, all called 'dubiousBicycleXXX.owl'
Proof-of-concept software
- BFO Classifier: to align entities to BFO; see also the FOUST-VI paper at JOWO2022 and a blog post; with Chiadika Emeruem and Steve Wang, and updated for FOIS2023, in collaboration with Zubeida Khan, Cesar Bernabe, and Zola Mahlaza.
- CLaRO authoring tool: Competency question Language for specifying Requirements for an Ontology, model, or specification, to assist with writing competency questions (at the TBox level); see also the MTSR19 and CNL21 papers and there als a demo video and a blog post; with Zola Mahlaza and Mary-Jane Antia.
- TDDonto and TDDonto2: test-driven development of ontologies and the code of the most recent version and a tutorial; see also the ESWC16 and DL16 papers, the ESWC17 demo, arxiv tech report of 2018, and IJAIT19 journal paper; with Kieren Davies and Agnieszka Lawrynowicz.
- NOMSA: the Novel Ontology Modularisation SoftwAre does that with your ontology, in several different ways; a demo video and an introductory blog post are also available; see the EKAW18 poster paper and the 2021 book chapter for more details; with Zubeida Khan (Dawood).
- isiZulu pluraliser and natural language generation: isiZulu natural language generation tools; see also the RuleML14, CICLing16, and INLG16 papers, LRE17 journal paper, and ESWC17 demo; download the code and examples, or view a screencast. See also the Github repo of all the material produced in the GeNI project. with Musa Xakaza and Langa Khumalo.
GUI output:
Terminal output:
- IsiZulu and isiXhosa spellcheckers: see also the IST-Africa 2016 and 2018 papers, the blogpost about the launch of v1 in 2016 and the extended v2 of late 2017; with Balone Ndaba, Frida Mjaria, Norman Pilusa, Hussein Suleman, and Langa Khumalo.
- OntoPartS: ontology-guided part-whole relation selection tool, with a screencast; see also the ESWC12 paper. Extended version: OntoPartS-2: reasoner-enhanced version of OntoPartS; see also the CIKM13 paper; with Francis Fernández-Reyes and Annette Morales-González.
- ROMULUS: foundational ontology library; see also MEDI13 and JoDS16 papers; with Zubeida Khan (Dawood)
- ONSET: foundational ONtology Selection and Explanation Tool; see also the EKAW12 paper; with Zubeida Khan (Dawood).
- LetsThink-GoAnswer: an audience response system for peer instruction, which can handle math symbols, accents, and pictures as well; presented as the Teaching and Lreaning conference at UCT and briefly described in a blog post; with Yaseen Hamdulay.
- WONDER: Web ONtology mediateD Extraction of Relational data, which used to be online here; see also the ACM SAC'10 paper and a blog post; with Sergio Stefanoni, and Diego Calvanese, Werner Nutt, and Mariano Rodriguez-Muro.
- Competency Questions with SPARQL-OWL queries: 234 CQs and 131 SPARQL-OWL queries over their respective ontologies; described in the dataset paper and analysed in a JWS 2019 article.
- Set of ontology modules: 189 ontology modules; described in the Applied Ontology 2015 paper.
- Mapped conceptual models: ICOM projects and manually mapped models (7MB); described in the ADBIS16 paper
- Set of 101 models: set of publicly available ER, UML, and ORM models (9.7MB) with ER15 analysis and ADBIS15 analysis; see also ER15, DL15, and ADBIS15 papers
Online repositories elsewhere
- Projects:
- Other software and datasets
- Competency Questions with SPARQL-OWL queries
- Generic pluralizer for multiple Bantu languages
- IsiZulu Spellchecker
- TDDOnto2 source code and tutorial